SRP Council Division 7 Association & District
Born and raised in rural Wisconsin, Eric moved to Arizona after receiving his BA degree from the University of Wisconsin (Eau Claire). He earned an MPA in Public Administration from ASU and, in 2017, he added a Master of Law in Environmental Sustainability from the ASU Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law.
Core Values:
As someone who has observed the utility industry from both the inside and outside perspective, his priorities will include:
- Accelerating the market driven transition to renewable energy deployment by removing economic and bureaucratic impediments to distributed rooftop PV generation,
- Grid stabilization through encouraging microgrid development and residential & commercial load aggregation,
- Genuine commitment to wind and solar utility / community scale deployment,
- Streamlined grid intertie processes,
- Restoring and expanding meaningful Energy Efficiency and Demand Side measures.
- Reforming SRP’s century old election process which excludes nearly 50% of ratepayers from voting.
- Reprogramming a significant portion of SRP Advertising and Lobbying expenses to a multiyear Ratepayer Rebate Fund.
- More oversight and participation in the development of SRP’s State, Federal & Regulatory agendas.
He is an unwavering advocate for responsible land stewardship, stronger water conservation and watershed protection efforts.
Over a 3-decade career in public policy, government relations and administration, Eric held significant positions in the private, nonprofit & government sectors including:
Private & Nonprofit Sector:
- Sonoran Institute – Associate Director Land, Energy & Water Policy
- Salt River Project – Senior Government Relations Representative
- Arizona Business and Education Coalition – Manager of Public Policy & Communications
- Phoenix Association of Realtors – Government Relations Director
Public Sector:
- Arizona Corporation Commission – Policy Advisor
- US Department of Energy – Lands & Realty Specialist.
- City of Phoenix – Deputy & Acting Chief of Staff to the Mayor,
- Arizona Clean Elections Commission – Deputy Director
- Arizona Dept. of Commerce – Legislative Liaison
- Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection – Legal Intern
As a private citizen he has been active on many boards, and commissions. These include the City of Phoenix Environment & Sustainability Commission, the U. S Bureau of Land Management’s Arizona Resource Advisory Committee, the Arizona Energy Consortium, the Phoenix Parks & Recreation Board, and the ASU Environmental Law Society.
In this private life he is an unabashed cheese-head, the proud father of two exceptional daughters and 3 grandchildren, and a recreational triathlete who seeks the outdoors whenever possible. He is passionate about nature, and still enjoys crashing his bike on weekends.